
Business Personal Property Consulting

Contact Source Advisors to assist you with all your Business Personal Property questions!

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Business Personal Property Consulting

What is Business Tangible Personal Property?

Tangible personal property encompasses all personal property that is not classified as intangible. It refers to movable items that are real but not permanently attached to real property. Examples include computer hardware, office furniture, specialized tools and machinery, equipment, and vehicles.

Why Do Businesses Pay Personal Property Tax?

Businesses pay personal property taxes because these taxes generate revenue for local governments, funding essential services such as schools, roads, parks, and police protection. Additionally, personal property taxes promote equity by ensuring that all property, not just real estate, contributes to the community’s financial needs.

Business Personal Property Consulting

Often misunderstood, this area is a key specialty of Source Advisors. If taxing authorities reject the value opinion on a property tax rendition, our system flags any assessment exceeding our rendered value. At this point, in consultation with the client, Source Advisors determines if an appeal is warranted. If so, we will protest your property values and represent you in both informal and formal hearings. Upon filing an appeal, Source Advisors contacts the assessor’s office to negotiate the value opinion stated on the property rendition. We use the rendition, along with additional client-provided information, to support our case. Most value disputes are resolved informally. If the dispute remains unresolved, Source Advisors will take the case to a Board Hearing. Each side presents its evidence, and the Appraisal Review Board votes on the final assessment. Should the outcome of informal and formal hearings be unsatisfactory, Source Advisors is prepared to file for binding arbitration or litigation to maximize reductions on your BPP accounts. Most cases are resolved at the informal and formal Board Hearing levels. If a fair value cannot be reached, Source Advisors will consult with the client about costs and the likelihood of success in pursuing further action. Filing for binding arbitration or litigation often prompts assessors to agree to a value before involving outside counsel or arbiters. While binding arbitration and/or litigation is an option, it is not available in some states.

Compliance Services Business Personal Property Rendition

A Business Personal Property (BPP) rendition is a mandatory state form that property owners or their representatives must complete, detailing the business assets used to generate revenue. These assets include furniture, fixtures, computers, manufacturing equipment, vehicles, inventory, and more. The appraisal district uses this information to determine the value of BPP accounts. Many states, including Texas, impose penalties for failing to file an annual rendition for BPP accounts. In Texas, for example, there is a 10% penalty for not filing a rendition, and the appraisal district may assign any value they choose to non-rendered BPP accounts, potentially leading to costly penalties for business owners.

Annual Fixed-Fee Compliance Management

For an annual fixed fee, Source Advisors manages all aspects of filing the necessary paperwork or renditions to keep your business compliant with property tax laws. Utilizing the latest software and a fully automated system for property tax filings, Source Advisors saves clients both tax dollars and valuable man-hours.

Asset Classification

Source Advisors meticulously examines your assets at each location to ensure accurate classification. Understanding property tax law is essential, as guidelines vary by state. By carefully adhering to these guidelines, we maximize tax advantages. For example, an asset with a 7-year life doesn’t necessarily depreciate at that rate for property tax purposes. Often, we can accelerate depreciation schedules for specific assets. Our automated system allows for the creation of sub-asset classes, enabling efficient and effective asset classification.

Classification of Taxable and Nontaxable Assets

State guidelines often deem certain capitalized assets as nontaxable. Our expertise uncovers every tax exemption opportunity, even in grey areas where tax laws are not clear-cut. For example, we may successfully argue that certain leasehold improvements are not taxed as tangible business personal property but as part of the real estate. Other areas of potential exemption include installation costs for phones, computers, computer cabling, and software.

Proactive Communication with Assessors

Source Advisors is proactive in communicating with assessors before property tax returns are filed. Regardless of the state, we discuss our approach to filing renditions, explaining our classification methods. After filing, we follow up with each assessor to provide any additional information they may need. This proactive approach ensures that we address any assessor’s concerns promptly and efficiently.
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