Building Types | Cost Segregation


In the intricate ecosystem of manufacturing, every component—from robotic arms and conveyor belts to specialized machinery—isn’t just crucial for production but also a latent opportunity for financial optimization. Each piece of equipment, with its distinct depreciation timeline, offers a web of complexities and untapped fiscal benefits.

Cost segregation emerges as an asset for manufacturers, enabling them to dissect this tangled network of machinery and associated costs. Through strategic acceleration of tax deductions, manufacturing facility owners can significantly enhance their cash flow, liberating capital for reinvestment in next-generation technology, employee training, and operational improvements.

Cost Segregation for Manufacturing

Manufacturing facilities, whether family-owned or part of a multi-national corporation, are complex environments teeming with specialized systems and components. Each bolt, gear, and electronic circuit presents an opportunity to harness the financial benefits of cost segregation.

Manufacturing plants feature a myriad of specialized plumbing, electrical, and mechanical systems designed specifically for production processes. These aren’t just operational essentials—they’re ripe candidates for accelerated depreciation.

The traditional 39-year depreciation schedule for building property can be significantly reduced for certain elements. Many manufacturers can designate what would normally be building property as personal property, benefiting from faster 5 or 7-year recovery periods.

Items like concrete and asphalt paving, stormwater drainage, and fencing commonly qualify for 15-year recovery periods, offering another layer of cost segregation potential.

The extent to which areas within the facility are utilized for manufacturing, warehousing, or office space can influence the proportion of capitalized costs that can be accelerated.

Unlock Significant Savings

Depending on the facility and its functions, accelerating depreciation on 19% to 64% of the capitalized costs is typically achievable. Factors like the types of manufacturing processes involved, the functional distribution of space within the building, and the scope of site improvements all play a role.

Don’t let cost segregation opportunities remain hidden in the machinery and infrastructure of your manufacturing facility. Explore these avenues today, and reinvest the savings into process optimizations, technology upgrades, or employee benefits. Whether your operation is small-scale or sprawling, the chance to maximize your financial efficiency awaits you.

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Take Advantage of Cost Segregation with Source Advisors

Cost segregation is a strategic approach for manufacturing company owners looking to optimize their tax benefits and improve their bottom line. By appropriately leveraging this strategy, property owners can significantly enhance their cash flow, ensuring they have the resources to maintain, upgrade, or expand their properties, ultimately maximizing their return on investment. Before embarking on a cost segregation study, it’s advisable to consult with professionals who have experience in both the real estate and tax sectors to ensure compliance and optimization.

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Highlights in
the Case Study

Combined Federal and State R&D tax Credit of over $130,000.

With over 40 years of experience in metal fabrication, this company continues to develop metal fatigue and failure mitigation techniques, serving the aerospace, automotive, biomedical, chemical, defense, energy, fitness, nuclear, oil & gas and rail industries.

R&D Activities
Multi-State Business
Inventory Management
Real Estate Tax Incentives
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