
R&D Tax Credits


The R&D tax credit can help a wide variety of businesses offset and reduce their income tax liability, in addition to providing many other benefits.

Businesses in Maine can earn a 3% state income tax credit for the increase in their annual research and development expenses, compared to the previous two years. To calculate the credit, the eligible expenses incurred for qualifying R&D activities must be identified and calculated, including wages, supplies, and contract research. The credit must be claimed 25% each year for four years. Accurate records and documentation must be kept to determine eligible expenses.

Input the sum of qualified research expenses related to research carried out in Maine during the tax year, as indicated on either line 9 of Section A or line 28 of Section B on Federal Form 6765. For line 4, provide the qualified research expenses specifically tied to research activities in Maine for the previous three tax years.

In Maine, R&D tax credits are available to companies that engage in qualifying activities to advance knowledge or improve processes, products, or technologies. These must be technological, aid in product development, and involve experimentation. Eligible expenses exclude land, equipment, surveys, customer-specific costs, and government-funded research. Some of the qualifying R&D activities include: Development of new products, Testing and experimentation, Development of prototype, Solving technical problems and the like. Accurate record-keeping is crucial for claiming credits.

Eligible businesses in Maine’s enterprise zones can claim for R&D tax credit if they meet legal requirements under the state and federal law. The credit requires 3 years of presence in the same enterprise zone, with prorated credit for businesses opening mid-year. Qualifying R&D activities must advance knowledge or improve processes, products or technologies. It even includes C-corporations and pass-throughs.

R&D Tax Credits in Maine

In Maine, the Research and Development (R&D) Tax Credit aims to encourage businesses to invest in research activities within the state. The credit consists of two components: a 5% credit on qualified research expenses that exceed a baseline amount, and an additional 7.5% credit for basic research payments made to qualified universities or scientific research organizations. This dual-structured incentive is designed to stimulate both internal and collaborative research efforts, thereby fostering innovation and technological advancement in Maine.

What Goes into the Maine R&D Tax Credit as a Qualified Research Expense?​

The Maine research and development tax credit allows for businesses to claim a percentage of their qualifying research expenses. 

In order for an expense to qualify it must meet specific research criteria:

  1. Products, services, processes, or software must be new or improved in some way 
  2. Uncertainty must be eliminated as a result of the research 
  3. The research must be technological 
  4. Research must include experimentation processes of some nature

The types of expenses that are applicable to claim under the credit include the following:

Wages paid to employees who are directly involved in the performance of research and development activities within the state of Maine. This includes payments made to subcontractors involved in the performance of such activities.

Take Advantage of the
R&D Tax Credit with Source Advisors

Most states offer R&D tax credits as well with many of them being more lucrative than the federal credit. At Source Advisors, we can help assess your company’s federal R&D tax credit opportunity and also determine any state R&D tax credit availability. Our team of experienced CPAs, attorneys, engineers, and technology experts helps companies save money and create cash flow with R&D tax credits that can then help drive overall growth.