You would need to obtain an allocation letter from that government entity that transfers the Section §179D benefit directly to you. At Source Advisors, our team handles this process from start to finish on your behalf.
To claim your §179D deduction, the IRS requires your energy-efficient building must be certified as installed as part of a plan designed to reduce the total annual energy and power costs by 50% or more.
Yes, according to The Energy Policy Act of 2005, LED lighting qualifies for the §179D tax deduction. The tax deduction varies linearly from $0.30 per square foot at 25% lighting power density reduction (LPD) to $0.60 per square foot at 40% lighting power density reduction (LPD). The LPD reduction is determined by comparing with ASHRAE 90.1 standards. For warehouses, this requirement increases to a 50% LPD reduction.
Lighting systems must include automatic controls prescribed in the ASHRAE 90.1 standard and a provision for bi-level switching in all spaces except hotel and motel guest rooms, storerooms, restrooms, and public lobbies. The illuminance levels must meet the minimum requirements as per the IESNA lighting handbook.
The types of potentially qualifying systems or system components include:
Building Envelopes are the most difficult systems to predict for Section §179D.
It is beneficial to keep these considerations in mind:
Building Envelopes are the most difficult systems to predict for Section §179D.
It is beneficial to keep these considerations in mind:
Yes, government-owned buildings at the local, state, and federal level might qualify for Section §179D tax deduction. These buildings include: Schools, post offices, state universities, libraries, town halls, institutions, government offices, courthouses, military bases, airports, and transportation facilities.